Flexible Inviation Design - Baby shower paw printsA
new born's paw marks shows the purity, softness and charm of a baby. It becomes
a favourite theme for the celebration like a baby shower and this guides to usebaby's
paw marks in the baby shower invitation. The invitation if sent with the footprints of the baby it will show the guests as baby shower party. The background color and the footprint color should be different to make it attractive. Baby footprints serves as an outline for the background and the text and outlines are more attractive than colors for the footprints.The toes and the heel of the feet should be highlighted. Vigourous effect with several small footprints in the outline background and to make it like a baby walked across so the apge should be reduced the size of the paw marks from the front to the back ground. Stamped Stamping becomes a process of creating relief on the paper by using particular device to scratch the paper. It is better to give to the professionals to prepare this invitations. These stamped footprints invitations express a graceful mood for the shower. These invitations are monochromatic is used with single color. Printers have ability to color the hoist of the foot print. For a staged effect footprints should be used carefully to the printed kind similar to design and layout. Marked After choosing the model of the invitation the stamps single prints ormultipls print inked of various colors can be used.Rubber stamps with baby footprints with various sies and designs are found in the rubber industry. The stamps can be used as seal of the approvel with submissive effect as a signature of the baby inviting to the shower.Use the stamps to go on with the theme of the party invitation and stamp them on napkins, thank u cards and game prizes for a united result. Model The foortprint design of the baby can be used a model baby shower invitation and it turns into an interesting request from the straight 2"X4" invitation size.The front of the card is to announce baby shower and the back for party details and RSVP. The
models of the baby footprints can be placed on the floors,walls and even pathways
as the theme of the shower. Footprint models can be used for the thank you cards
for an attractive look. According to the mood the style of the footprints can
be choosed as shower invitation cards.
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